Tongues speaking is ‘silly and senseless’ – Mzbel

Some people believe that a person must speak in an unknown language or if you like tongues in order to receive the holy spirit.

Others including Belinda Akua Amoah aka Mzbel believe that people who practice speaking in unknown languages are either possessed by demons or manifest an unstable emotional state.

In a new song, ‘Tongues’, produced by Hydraulix, Mzbel begins with a few lines in a strange language – considered tongues.

While responding to why she was poking fun at Christians and tongue-speaking, she said: “Tongues itself is played. It is very silly… when you go to church and speak in tongues, it is senseless”.

In a chat with Mr EL on ‘Adwumapa Mmere’ on Connect FM in Takoradi, the controversial singer explained that the Bible states nowhere that people should say things they cannot understand while praying.

“People would say that on the day of Pentecost, the disciples spoke in new languages, but when you read further…they only spoke languages either than their mother tongues.”

She explained that on the day of Pentecost when the disciples received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and spoke in new tongues, there were persons in the crowds who could identify and understand the languages being spoken.

She mocked how some Christians forced themselves to speak in ‘tongues’. For her, praying in a language that no one can identify and understand must be a silly joke.

Well, there are many differing beliefs about the gift of languages that was given when God began the New Covenant Church, and there are many differing beliefs about what the apostle Paul was trying to say to the Corinthian church about their use of this gift.





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