I am disappointed in Ghana Music Awards – Ras Kuuku

Reggae and dancehall artiste Ras Kuuku has expressed his disappointment in the organisers of the Ghana Music Awards for not getting nominations for the Best Male Vocalist in the previous editions.

The ‘Wo’ crooner, who is well known for his vibrant stagecraft, in an interview on Daybreak Hitz on Hitz FM with sit-in host Ernest Adu Kumi, said he has been cheated for far too long.

The dancehall artiste claimed that he is perhaps one of the best male vocalists in the music industry currently and deserves to be nominated for such categories especially in the music awards.

“…If you listen to the voice and style, why won’t they nominate Ras Kuuku in the male vocalist category? When it comes to performances, we don’t mime.

“If you listen to a song like ‘Wo’, and you hear that Ras Kuuku has not been nominated for ‘Male Vocalist of the Year’, I sometimes feel disappointed,” he said.

Ras Kuuku, who was confident of winning an award in the Reggae and Dancehall categories at the 2017 edition of the Ghana Music Awards, stormed out of the Accra International Conference Centre, the venue for the awards, after losing out to Stonebwoy.

Even though he was not happy that he lost out to Stonebwoy, Ras Kuuku recognised Stonebwoy as his junior brother and stressed that he has no beef with him.

He said he felt that the awards made it too hard for lesser-known artists to win against the bigger and popular artistes no matter how hard they work to make an impact in the industry.


Source: Hitz FM

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