2nd Deputy BoG Governor was forced out – Lawyer

A lawyer for the 2nd Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ghana (BoG) claim their client was forced out of his job.

Victor Kojoga Adawudu said, but for the unfair treatment meted out to Dr Johnson Asiama by persons he did not name, he would not have resigned.

In an interview on Joy FM’s new analysis programme, Newsfile on Saturday, a day after the resignation, the lawyer told the host of the show Samson Anyenini that the deputy governor is not happy with the way he was treated and eventually forced out of office.

“Some people within the BoG were not comfortable with him at his position and had always indicated that they wanted him out of office so that they could get their own person appointed.

“This was the kind of discussion that was going on until we realized that things were not as it was. It was becoming unfriendly,” Mr Adawudu said.

He also indicated that the basic things and information Dr Asiama needed to function effectively in his job were taken away from him, making it difficult for him to discharge his duties as expected.

Dr Johnson Asiama

Therefore, after careful considerations and in the greater interest of the nation he decided to resign.

“When you are working as a team and you are not being fed with information or in your regular function you are being relegated and not being put in the know of what is going on, it just tells you that the environment is not conducive for you to work again,” the lawyer indicated.

After just one year of holding the position, Dr Johnson Asiama finally tendered in his resignation on December 27, 2017, ending his almost two decades service at the Central Bank.

The resignation takes effect from January 1, 2018.

An earlier report by Joy Business indicating the same resignation was denied.

The government in that report was also mentioned as being behind the move for his resignation and that the only reason the exit delayed was due to negotiations for his end of service benefits.

The President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has been formally informed about his decision to resign with copies served to the Vice-President, governor of the BoG, Dr Ernest Addison and Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta.

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