You’re doomed if you look up to us as role models – Actor

Kumasi-based actor and producer, Samuel Ofori, has advised followers of celebrities not to be deceived by their appearances because that is not the real lifestyles they live.

The actor, who is mostly labelled as a ‘womanizer’ in most of the movies he has starred in, said actors, musicians and other entertainment industry players self-acclaiming to be stars, celebrities or superstars are not.

In a Facebook video, he said, there are no stars or superstars on this earth except Jesus Christ.

Mr Ofori stated that a role-model should be a person who serves as an example of the values, attitudes, and behaviours associated with Christ and not otherwise as it is being portrayed by a section of entertainment personalities.

He alleged that Ghanaian actors, musicians and other entertainment players live a deceiving lifestyle to the public.

Below is the transcript of what he said in the Facebook video:

“There is no star on this earth… I’ve done a research and seen that there is no star but the only star to follow is Jesus Christ. If you follow us as your role model then you’re doomed because you can be misled by our fake lifestyles. Commenting and liking our pages will end you nowhere.

“Those you call stars or celebrities are unreal, so if you follow us, all you will learn from us is wee smoking, alcohol, occultism, womanizing, using suspicious means to attain fame.

“I’ll encourage you to see Jesus Christ as your star and not us because we will disappoint.”



Source: Adomfmonline

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