Spinal Clinic wins Chiropractic Centre of the Year award

The West Africa Traditional and Alternative Medicine Award has named Spinal Clinic Limited, the Chiropractic Centre of the Year and leader in the chiropractic services industry.

The CEO of the company, Dr Bryan Cox, received the award at the 2018 edition of the West Africa Traditional and Alternative Medicine award held at the Golden Tulip on Saturday.

The award is aimed at celebrating and reorganising companies and individuals in the traditional and alternative medicine sector who have demonstrated excellence in their profession as well as shown leadership and commitment in their respective organisations.

Dr Cox, in an interview with Myjoyonline.com after the ceremony said, the Clinic was committed to helping people to achieve health through standard Chiropractic care.

‘As a clinic, we believe that chiropractic is for life and we encourage each of our members to live a healthier life.

“It is our goal to continue to touch lives on people’s spine and by doing this, we would spread spinal health throughout Ghana and beyond,” he said.

Spinal Clinic’s award was one of many awards announced at the event which was graced by various people including government officials and representatives of traditional and alternative health practitioners across West Africa.

Other awards picked by the Spinal Clinic were, Outstanding Leader in Chiropractic care 2017 and Hall of Fame for Customer Service 2016.

Dr Cox was recognised as the first African to be awarded the distinguished fellow of the International Chiropractic Association award.

Spinal Clinic is a member of the Chiropractic Around the World (CAW), an organisation that educates the public about the importance of chiropractic care as well as provide free treatment to the less fortunate in society.

The Clinic which operation began in Ghana in 2006, is providing safe and natural chiropractic treatment to people with vertebral subluxation complex in one or more area of their spine.



Source: Myjoyonline

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