Refrain from using cane to discipline children – Medical doctor advises parent

A medical doctor at the Tantra Community Hospital has advised parents not to use canes on their children as a way of disciplining them.

Dr Edinam Akude wants parents to explore other options of correcting their children which she says works better.

“You can punish them by restricting them from watching televisions or giving them books to read for a certain number of hours instead of caning them,” she said.

She was speaking at the maiden Mafi Zongo Electoral Area Women Rising Summit in the Central Tongu District of the Volta Region.

Speaking on the theme, ‘The Role of the 21st Century Women in the Growth and Development of Society,’ the programme brought together over 500 women, chiefs and elders in the district for mentoring.

Dr Akude encouraged the women to look beyond their current circumstances of poverty and invest in the education of their children. She advised the women to devise positive measures to instil discipline into their children.

“You must praise them when they do something right and also positively punish them when they go wrong,” she said.

The summit sought to connect the women to carefully selected mentors from academia and industry to empower and inspire them to take the necessary action in promoting strategic investment in the development of their children.

Assembly Member of the Mafi Zongo Electoral Area Julius Karl D. Fieve who organized the event encouraged mothers to invest more in their children to ensure their adequate development.

“I have come to realize that, beyond infrastructure and social amenities, the only way, we could transform our communities and create a sustainable future for ourselves is through strategic investment in the education of the children of our communities,” he said.

Richard Apau, Operations Manager, Youth Without Borders who spoke at the event admonished the women to place more value on the education of their girl child and treat both the girls and the boys equally.

A lecturer at the Ho Technical University, Edem Nerissa Lawrencia Anku admonished the women to have a vision for their children and play their part in the growth of society.

“You must endeavour to provide all the needs of your children. You have to draw more closely to them so as to be able to understand them,” she said.

Speaking on behalf of the women who participated in the event, Madam Jane Duhoe said they would take the experiences shared by the mentors very serious.

“We were really inspired today for action. We can assure the mentors and organizers of our resolve to push for the development of our children,” she added.



Source: Myjoyonline

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