Seth Terkper Accused Of Sacking 12 Directors At Finance Ministry

Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin Central has dropped yet another bombshell over how ex-Finance Minister, Seth Terpker sacked twelve senior officials at the Ministry of Finance when the National Democratic Congress took over.

Mr. Ohene Agyapong revealed that Mr. Terpker sacked 12 directors and replaced them with his relatives and associates.

He wondered why the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta has not kicked out these officials and other activists of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) from the ministry.

He accused these officials of undermining Nana Akufo-Addo’s presidency.

“Some of them [officials] are sabotaging the Akufo-Addo government. When you go to the Ministry of Finance, these NDC members are there in their numbers; Seth Tekper recruited all of them. They are always complaining about Ofori Atta.

“But go and check the records; Seth Terkper sacked 12 directors and recruited his cronies to replace them at the Ministry of Finance. The current Chief Director is an NDC member and was recruited by Seth. I wonder why Ken is still entertaining these people. He has a problem to deal with. NDC members are in charge of almost all public institutions,” he added.

Mr Agyapong was speaking on Adom TV’s Morning Show “Badwam”, Tuesday.

The maverick MP believes the Mahama-led government has out-smarted the NPP and doing everything possible to run Nana Addo’s government down, from all angles.

“The NDC were smart; we have to be smart too. They are very powerful because they planned ahead of us. These same people who caused NDC’s defeat are still in charge. If care is not taken, we will also fall”, he said.

He has advised the NPP to get out of their comfort zones.

Source: Adomonline

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