Selling recruitment forms is fraud – Minority faults security agencies

The Minority in Parliament is demanding an end to the sale of recruitment forms by the various security agencies, describing the practice as a fraud.

Recently, the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) sold more than 80,000 forms at GHȻ50 each during an exercise to recruit only 500 persons for 2018.

Apart from concerns about the chaotic nature of the process, a section of the public also raised concerns about the sale of forms by the GIS and other security agencies during recruitment exercises.

He contends that Parliament approves money for the conduct of the process and so no security agency has justification to charge any fee.

“These young people are being ripped off and it ought not to be so. We do not think that unemployment must be an avenue for some other agencies cash in and defraud desperate, vulnerable young men and women of this country.

“Their [security agencies] budgets will obviously include goods and services, administrative purposes et cetera. And when you are recruiting people into the service, it is largely administrative. These things should be free,” he said.


The bulk of applicants during last week’s recruitment process came from the Greater Accra Region with over 15,000 people followed by the Ashanti and Brong Ahafo Regions.

The chaos that characterised the process has triggered calls by Ghanaians for the government to focus its attention on job creation.

A man who spoke to Friday said the situation is a mockery of Ghana’s progress since independence.

“If our energetic youth will struggle for jobs in their own country in this manner, then we are not growing as a people,” he registered his disappointment.

The Immigration Service is reported to have raked in GHS4,231,850 from the sale of recruitment e-vouchers sold at GHS50 each to applicants.

The Service is seeking to recruit only 500 officers nationwide, but at the end of the exercise spanning one month, at least 84,637 people had purchased the e-voucher.


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