I Served As Security Guard At World Trade Centre – Ambolley
Veteran musician Gyedu Blay-Ambolley has disclosed that he was a security man prior to hitting the music limelight.
He made the revelation in an interview on Joy FM’s Behind The Fame on Drive Time on Joy FM with Lexis Bill and Joycelyn Dumas.
According to him, during one of his expeditions in America, he was recruited into a security firm because he had no certificates to get a better job.
The security agency, he revealed, stationed him at the famous World Trade Centre that was attacked by the terror group, al-Qaeda, on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
“When I went to America, I left for somewhere I didn’t belong to; so to survive I had to do some other jobs. I was a security guard at the World Trade Centre which was bombed in 2001; that was the job you can easily find then…,” he revealed.
Asked by Lexis Bill if he had any awkward moment on the security job, the music composer, who is known to have incorporated rap into local highlife rhythms, said, “One time I had to chase someone but I couldn’t catch him so I let him go.”
The veteran music writer and composer, who has been in the industry for more than 40 years, also revealed that he will release his 31st album soon.
Source: Adomonline
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