Castrate men who defile girls – Queen mother

The Queen mother of Gomoa Akyempem in the Central region is calling for stiffer punishment as a measure in curbing the increasing rate of defilement cases in the Central region.

Stiffer punishment, she said will do the trick in stopping the negative practice as more children continue to suffer this barbaric act despite prosecutions.

The queen mother is suggesting castration as a measure to stop more men from destroying the lives of innocent children in the area.

According to the queen mother, since no man would want his manhood rendered impotent, they will learn to discipline themselves thereby saving the lives and future of young girls in society.

She also called on the various stakeholders to use their platforms in helping bring an end to the practice of defilement in the Ghanaian society and not contribute to shielding culprits, especially traditional authorities.

Already, the Central region has recorded 114 cases in the second quarter of this year alone; a situation that authorities find disturbing.

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