Radford University launches 2018 fashion show

Radford University College (RUC) has launched its 2018 Graduates Fashion Show to showcase the creative designs of graduating students.

The event slated for May 26 at the plush Kempiski hotel in Accra would see the graduates displaying on stage their latest collections and designs similar to the fashion shows at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City.

Some graduates exhibited designs that would be showcased later at the Graduates Fashion Show during the launch of the 6th edition of the fashion show.

Radford University is the premier university to offer a degree course in fashion design. The RUC has made fashion-design an integral part of its curricula.

The Chairman of RUC, Nana Dwomoh Sarpong, said the university stands for professionalism and entreprenurship so every student in the school acquired knowledge in those areas.

He indicated that, the exhibition by the students were just a tip of the iceberg of what they were going to showcase on May 26.

Nana Dwomoh Sarpong underscored the need for government to invest heavily in the fashion industry to boost the economy just like it is being done in countries like the United Kingdom and Italy.

He stressed that the fashion industry is very lucrative therefore government should graduates to set up their own businesses after school.

Nana Dwomoh Sarpong pledged the students at the fashion will showcase latest trends in the fashion industry.

Source: Myjoyonline

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