DKB Joins Hitz FM

Comedian DKB has joined Hitz FM 103.9 with a new programme dubbed ‘Free Your Mind’.

The radio comedy show, which started airing yesterday, will be aired every other Wednesday from 9:00pm to 10:00pm.

Hosted by DKB, there will be two other comedians to support him to present opposing views during satiric arguments in the one-hour programme backed by a perfection selection of Ghanaian music.

In a press statement on Wednesday, DKB indicated that the programme will be super hilarious.

“My decision for creating this show is provide people the humour option on radio that will help them ease stress and boost their moods, as they say, laughter is best medicine,” he added.

“The radio waves serve little comedy, that’s why I’m bringing this to help promote comedians and foster public affinity for Ghcomedy,” the comedian added.

DKB is also a television presenter, event organiser and a talent manager.

He made headlines as one of the housemates on the seventh season of the reality competition television series, Big Brother Africa, in 2012 and has since been around.

Source: Daily Guide

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