Anyidoho defends Anita Desoso for begging Rawlings

Deputy General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Koku Anyidoho, has defended the party’s National Vice Chairperson, Anita Desosoo decision to apologise to the founder of the party on behalf of other executives.

Anita Desoso on Monday knelt and begged Jerry John Rawlings to forgive executives of the party who have offended him.

According to Koku Anyidoho, Desoso did no wrong by taking such action.

“It was a party event for which the national chairman and leader of the party, Kofi Portuphy was supposed to speak and in his absence, Anita spoke. She said going forward and building consensus and having a meeting of minds if it is a case that we have offended you, we apologise. What is wrong with that?”

“If you are a leader, be prepared to say I’m sorry. If you are a child, be prepared to say daddy I’m sorry. So I will take this opportunity on behalf of the party to kneel down before my dad [Rawlings]. Please forgive us. Let’s come together to build this country,” she pleaded.

Jerry Rawlings who is also the founder of the NDC refused to campaign for the party during the 2016 general elections.

Rawlings decided because he felt the current crop of NDC leaders had moved away from the party’s ideals which included transparency, probity and accountability.

“…Now to my father, I know [as] your children we have erred, and I also know that you are a human being. You have also done something that may not be right. And I was so happy when you brought out a statement rendering an apology. You are a hero. This shows that what you have thought me is still within me,” Desoso added.

She knelt before Rawlings in Accra when the party marked the 39th anniversary of the June 4 uprising.





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