Akufo-Addo Seeking Unmerited Glory – Kofi Adams

The National Organiser of the National Democratic Congress Kofi Adams has stated that the President is seeking glory despite no achievement in his 15 months in office.

According to him, the decision to change the name of the Flagstaff House to Jubilee House on his 74th birthday is a clear indication that the President is not interested in the issues that matter to Ghanaians.

He added that the next NDC government will not be interested in a name change but will rather focus on issues that are of interest to the Ghana public.

“The NDC is much focussed on putting the history of this country intact and not destroyed, we are very much focussed on things that will matter to the people of this country.

“This our president is not interested in the wellbeing of the people, he just wants to be celebrated for doing nothing. I thought that one of his factories will have been ready so that on his birthday he will just move and commission one of such factories…you have done nothing and on your birthday you engage in name changing,” Adams told Starr News’ Ibrahim Alhassan.

President Akufo-Addo on Thursday renamed the seat of government – Flagstaff House – to Jubilee House.

The change of name coincided with Akufo-Addo’s 74th birthday winning power at age 72.

The Flagstaff House was reconstructed and inaugurated by the government of John Agyekum Kufuor with the name Golden Jubilee House in November 2008 when construction was about 70%–80% completed.

In January 2009, the incoming government of President Mills moved the office of the president back to Osu Castle and later changed the sign in front of the building back to its original name claiming that the previous government had not used a Legislative Instrument to effect the change as required by law.




Source: Starrfmonline.com

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