FDA: Ads on alcoholic beverages must be aired from 2000 hours

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has reminded the media, advertisers, manufacturers and importers of alcoholic beverages that advertisements on alcoholic beverages are supposed to be aired from 2000 hours to 0600 hours only.
A statement signed by Mr James Lartey, the Head of Communications and Public Education, and copied to the Ghana News Agency, said this was supposed to take effect from January 1, 2018.
“Additionally, kindly be informed that all advertisements of FDA regulated products that would be approved by the FDA from January 1, 2018, are supposed to include the phrase – This advert has been vetted and approved by the FDA,” the statement said.
The FDA’s Guidelines for the Advertisements on Foods (Section 3.2.6) and specifically the requirements for advertisements of alcoholic beverages, states that: “Radio and Television advertisements shall not be aired between the hours of 0600 am and 2000”.
Meanwhile, the general public is encouraged to provide information on any activities that are likely to endanger public health and safety with respect to FDA’s mandate through the following numbers:
Hotlines – 0299802932, 0299802933,
Toll-Free Number – 0800151000 (free only on Airtel and Vodafone) and,
SMS Shortcode – 4015.
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