Apologise Or I’ll Sue You- Ursula Warns A-Plus

Minister of Communications, Ursula Owusu Ekuful, has threatened to file a defamatory suit against controversial musician and New Patriotic Party (NPP) activist Kwame A-Plus over an alleged libelous publication.

Ursula Owusu Ekuful, through her lawyers, is demanding an immediate retraction and apology for the comments the musician made on Facebook in the wake of the Kwasi Nyantakyi GFA scandal.

On May 23, Kwame Asare Obeng, better known as A-Plus, is alleged to have written on his Facebook wall: “Kwasi Nyantakyi is only being sacrificed to cover up the $89/178 million KelniGVG stinking scandal.”

He is also alleged to have accused the minister of being involved in “some shady deals at the Communications Ministry and National Communication Authority (NCA).”

Mrs Ekuful has not taken kindly to the allegations and has threatened to sue the musician to clear her name if he does not retract and apologise.

“We are instructed to notify you that our client takes a serious view of your defamatory publication on Facebook and would not hesitate to commence legal action against you if the said publication is not retracted on or before June 1, 2018.

“We are also instructed to notify you to render an unqualified apology in the same medium and prominence in the manner that your libelous publication was done,” counsel for the minister, Gary Nimako Marfo, stated in a letter to the musician.

Source: Myjoyonline.com

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